I occasionally do very dumb things. Without getting into the technical specifics, I basically (accidentally) wiped out this entire website. And I have NO way of recovering what was lost. Gone are all my blog entries along with all the fantastic comments left by some gracious folks.
[note to self: backing up my blog periodically is a good habit to form...]
However, as my wife tells me, always strive to look for opportunity with every adversity. And that is what I will do. This is a good time for a site reboot. I plan on focusing the blog and site more on the photography work that I prefer: kids, family, senior, engagement, and editorial. I am significantly “scaling back” on the weddings for now (i.e. not taking them them on as lead). While working with many of the brides & grooms have been great, weddings (with all the post-processing afterward) have been very time consuming and at times difficult to balance with my regular non-photography day job. I may eventually re-enter that space, however I will have to come up with a structure that will allow me to manage it all better before doing so. I will also probably blog a few pics from my previous weddings as I rebuild the site. Not that I’m purposefully trying to keep one foot in the wedding marketing pool. It’s just that I am really proud of the images I was able to provide to the couples that I have worked with.
Next few days, will need to start culling through my work again to figure out what to put back up and what to leave out. Hopefully will have a good amount of stuff back online by next week. It’s not a good feeling when your website is stuck out in Internetland naked.
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